Tribute to Aron Eisenberg: A Star Trek Icon

Nog(Aron Eisenberg), Quark(Armin Shimerman) & Rom(Max Grodénchik) - ‘Star Trek:DS9’ DST 2018 Birmingham
Tribute to Aron Eisenberg
Aron Eisenberg, who played Nog on 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine', sadly passed away on 21 September 2019.
I was fortunate to meet Aron at Destination Star Trek: Birmingham, last year.
Nog, was best friend to Jake Sisko, son of Capt. Sisko on DS9. Later he joined Starfleet, and became helmsman on board USS Defiant, commanded by Capt. Sisko.
One sees the character of Nog developing from a teenager to a Starfleet Lieutenant Junior Grade. He fought in several battles, but during the siege of AR-558, Nog was an advance scout using his superb Ferengi hearing. He identified a large column of advancing Jem’Hadar when tricorder scans were ineffective. It was during this action he lost his leg.